About Us


About Us

At Iconic Education, we strive to help both students and professionals navigate career-related challenges. We take a comprehensive approach to understanding our clients' needs, analyzing their unique situations, and providing solutions that set them apart from the rest. Our invaluable assistance is designed to help individuals make informed career decisions and avoid future career disasters. Our ultimate goal is to guide the youth towards a better and more sustainable future. With so many career options available today, it can be challenging for students to choose a specific field to pursue. That's why we offer intensive counseling sessions to support and guide them toward discovering their inner selves, capabilities, and uniqueness - ultimately helping them select the best career path for their future success.

Career Guidance

Career guidance is a structured process that provides people with advice on their careers at various stages. This process often comprises of formal programs that aid in both the planning and execution of career-related decisions. Career guidance counselors usually create generalized or tailored programs for individuals to assist them in navigating these changes.

Career guidance is crucial in Sri Lanka to mentally prepare students for post-graduation challenges. 

We need to ensure that young workers are not only employable and accountable but also happy. This is one of the main goals of the Iconic Education career guidance team.

Career guidance in school age

Why Career guidance is important ?

When beginning undergraduate studies in Sri Lanka, many students do not actively choose their courses. Upon graduation, many individuals struggle to apply their acquired skills to find personally and financially rewarding work.

When someone decides on a career, it's important to work hard to achieve the best possible results. However, many people end up taking the wrong paths or choosing careers that aren't a good fit for them. This can lead to a lack of motivation and excitement in their professional lives. That's where a career guidance counselor can help. 

A career counselor can guide people on the best opportunities and ways to succeed in their chosen field. 

The need for career guidance in Secondary school

Choosing a career path after completing the olevel examinations can be a daunting task for many students. Deciding between Maths, Science, Commerce or Arts is a big decision, as it involves assessing one's strengths and weaknesses. 

With the ever-increasing number of degree courses and job profiles, the process becomes even more complex. 

Therefore, it is crucial to seek guidance and support at this crucial junction of life. 

Career counselling plays a pivotal role in shaping up a student's career, and it is essential to get the best guidance.

Who can benefit from Career Guidance?

Students of grade 9, 10 and 11

Starting on the right foot is crucial for avoiding confusion later. This includes choosing the correct stream and subjects mapping career goals. 

Students of grade 12, 13

Students choose from few streams but have hundreds of career options. To ensure a smooth and successful career journey, it's crucial to seek guidance from an experienced counselor at this stage.

College Going Students/ Working Professionals

By seeking expert advice, people can avoid making mistakes and find a career path that is fulfilling and rewarding.

"A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory." —Arthur Golden

Our main goal is to assist you in resolving any uncertainties or questions you may have.

We are here to help you clear out any doubts in your Career Journey.